Body / Bath

If skin care is not done correctly, the skin becomes dull and loses its healthy appearance. The first step in body cleansing begins with body cleansing. Taking a clean bath calms and relaxes the body. A good bath accelerates the blood flow in the skin and allows it to breathe. So what should be done to restore the dull skin to its former shine?


Skin needs more moisture in winter. In addition to cold weather, not drinking enough water also causes skin dryness, dandruff and loss of shine. There are some steps you need to pay attention to in order to restore the dull skin to its former shine. To improve your bathroom quality; You can add natural oils to bath water. Among these oils; cocoa butter, lavender oil, rose oil and jojoba oil come to the fore. These natural oils help your body retain moisture. In the meantime, you need to pay attention to an important detail. It will be beneficial for you to choose the appropriate bath oil for your skin type.


To make the skin soft and smooth, it is necessary to accelerate blood circulation. It is important to brush the body regularly every day. Brushing helps clean blood rise to the surface, remove toxins and accelerate the body's natural oil production. In the morning, you can brush your dry skin with a brush made of natural fibers. However, do not brush as the chest and neck area is very sensitive.



The pouch accelerates blood circulation by removing the dead skin from the body. For this procedure, wet your body and the pouch with hot water and massage your body, paying attention to your heels, knees and elbows.



Take a shower in water that is as cold as you can stand. Cold water helps accelerate blood circulation. During the shower, you need to follow the following order; first warm, then cold, again warm, and then again cold water.



After purifying the dead skin on the skin, do not neglect the moisturizer, which is the most important step in skin care. Since brushing and scrubbing the body removes the natural oils on the skin surface, the lost moisture must be restored. If you do not want to deal with this process after the bath, you can apply the body cream to your wet body during the shower and rinse the cream by flowing it.